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Special Places: Old Growth

As you would expect, this web site has several pages devoted to the Douglas-Fir and to the old growth experience. You can read about the importance of Protecting old-growth Douglas-fir forests. You can go Wandering among the Trees of the Doug and explore the question of Why is an old-growth forest wonder full?. But when you turn to the question of where are the special old-growth forests, you need to start here. crabtree big trees 8 small graphic
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Photo courtesy of Chandra LeGue
When the Friends are asked what are the most important old growth areas, we would start with the Crabtree Valley, and the Hackleman Old Growth Trail and the Three Creeks Old Growth Grove.
Many of the Doug Trails will take you through old-growth groves. The following trails may be of special note: opal creek old forest smaller graphic snag small graphic

Browder Ridge Trail to Browder Ridge,
Chimney Peak Trail to Chimney Peak through the
Middle Santiam Wilderness.
Crescent Mountain Trail,
Cone Peak Trail which climbs to near the top of
Cone Peak and is one way to reach
Iron Mountain which can also be reached along the Iron Mountain Trail.
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Photo Courtesy of George Wuerthner
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and the Echo Basin Trail. NB: if you have Google Earth on your computer try Virtual Tour of Echo Basin. Note: this will take away from the Friends of Douglas-Fir National Monument Web Pages, so be sure to come back.
So you can also check out the Three Pyramids area, which you can reach via the South Pyramids Trail, the North Pyramids Trail
and the Pyramids Trail.
You can also travel into the Menagerie Wilderness by way of the Rooster Rock Trail and the Trout Creek Trail.

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